Composition and Framing task
During my media lessons i took part in a composition and framing task. The class were split into groups of four and each group was given two contrasting themes. The theme my team was given was twisted and straight. As part of the criteria of the task we took 4 photos. The photos were then shown to the class and each group had to guess the theme of pictures taken by each group.
Depending on the scene a symetry shot can be very effective or ineffectiveSymetry shots can be very effective however the effectiveness of a symetry shot is usual depenent on having a good point of interest. If a good point of interest is used, then a striking shot can be achived
Depth of Field-
Depth of field refers to the area in front of and beyond the point focused upon in which things appear acceptably sharp in a photograph. The depth of field is seleted by the photographer. The depth of field will drastically effect the composition of an image. It can isolate something from its background or foreground when using a shallow depth of field. However it can also put the usbject in context by revealing its surroundings with a larger depth field.
Framing is used within the composittion of a shot to help highlight the main point within a shot. Framing is used for a number of reasons such as highlighting a vocal point, adding context to a shot and it can give a sense oif perception to the viewer.
The perspective a shot is taken from is another element that can have a massive impact on an image. The angle and perception can affect the atmosphere portrayed by a photo drastically. Perspective can empathasise different points of interest, angles, textures and shapes.
Space also plays a part in composition and framing. There can be a fine line between filling your frame and leaving oyur frame empty. Space within a frame can portray intamisy and connection.
The colour of an image is another part of composition and framing. Bright colours can make an aimge appear vibrant, energised and more intriguing. Colours greatly impact the modd of an image.
What is a digipak?
A digipak is a cd or dvd packaging. Typically digipaks are made out of cardboard with a plastic covering. They are used by artists within music as effectively a form of advertisement. Digipaks are designed to fold into a square cd case. The front and back panels are the main attraction and promoter, they are used to draw the audience's attention. The inside section of a digipak is contains information about the artist. For example, extra information on the artist, song or album. The theme of the inside packaging is normally toned down in comparison to the front panel.
Conventions of the front panel of digipaks-
The front panel of digipaks often have a large eye catching picture on the front. This picture shown on the front often relates to the artist, the album, a song or a message they are trying to portray. One thing always found on the front of the is the song/album cover.
Conventions of the back panel of digipaks-
The back panel of digipaks often have an image mirroring the theme of the digipak. A track listing will be displayed, sometimes also stating the duration of the track and the number of the track. The bottom normally contains information on copyright, a barcode as well as the contributing record companies at the bottom corner. Sometimes artists will use the back panel in order to promote the artists website or their accounts on social networking sites.
Conventions of the inside panels of digipaks-
The inside panels usually contain background images which relate to the overall theme of the digipak.
Advantages and disadvantages of digipaks
When looking from a promotional aspect digipaks are used to help bring awareness to artists work. However since the early 2000’s the importance of digi[paks had decreased due to vast technological advancement. As a result of technological advancement there are now a number of sites such as youtube, facebook, twitter and instagram. Due to these sites artists tend to advertise and promote their music on these sites as it allows them to reach a bigger audience and is also much more cost effective. Ultimately digipaks are still useful and make sales but however are not as effective as they once were.
Research into Digipaks-
Task 10
Over time the style of clothing worn by hip-hop groups has changed and stayed the same in different aspects. During the early 90’s, hip hop artists tended to wear casual baggy clothes. Artists would would also go for an aggressive ’street’ like look. Traditionally many hip hop artists wore hats, balaclavas and hoodies. All of these pieces of clothing hide your identity in a way, this was so hip hop artists could connote a sense of the unknown making them appear unpredictable and intimidating. This style was typically worn and introduced by artists such as Tupac, Wu tang clan and NWA. This style is inspirational purely due to the fact nothing like this had been seen before and was so controversial during the early 90’s.
The modern day style of hip hop artists is similar and contrasting. For instance, modern hip hop artists tend to be more brand oriented, as they wear designer brands such as Tommy Hilfiger and Bape. Moreover, many modern day hip hop artists tend to wear clothing which advertises their brand this is something done much more frequently by modern day hip hop artists. However, the general style of clothing is similar to tradition style. Modern day rapper still way baggy like clothes but with the fact they are wearing designer brands aswell makes them more relatable and seem less aggressive in the public eye. Modern day artists that wear a conventional modern day style include artists such as ASAP MOBB, Flatbush zombies, Pro era and J. Cole.
When considering the style of my actors clothing, i think i will merge both the traditional and modern day style in order to best appeal to my target audience. However the style will be predominantly more modern day. I will probably want my actor to be wearing casual street like clothes like traditional artists such as Tupac, due to the fact this is in keeping with the conventions of a hip hop artists style. However my actor will also be wearing brands, this will make my actor more relatable to younger audiences as many of the brands worn by the younger generation are very similar to those worn by modern day hip-hop artists. This can allow some viewers to identify with my actor.
Influence of style
Between the period of 1970 and 1990 music videos changed in some aspects but however remain similar in other aspects. For example during the early 1970’s, music videos conventionally focused on the artist, this is evident within The jackson fives ‘I want you back’. However during the 1990’s the emphasis in music videos was more the portrayal of political messages and current issues around the world, this is shown within NWA’s ‘express yourself’. This is very typical of my chosen genre of Hip-Hop.